What Are The Benefits Of Using Smoke Curtains

In smoke management system there is use of smoke curtains which is barriers and which deals to extract the smoke to extraction points. Smoke curtains are look like metal roller shutter as it is vertically.T here are many issues in smoke management and it is big challenge for people as many deaths have been reported from the smoke .

Due to these challenge smoke curtains are used to active fire solutions as there are very helpful in the prevention of smoke and heat towards the extractions points which are designed in the building .

There may be automatic smoke curtains, static smoke curtains and insulated smoke curtains. In Complex building there is operation to stop the spread of fire and smoke curtains are widely used.S moke will always to spread upward in hot form and it may also spread along others zones. Smoke Curtains blocks the upper movement of smoke from one place to other place and enables the smoke to flow towards the ventilation system .

Smoke in hot form will spread in upper area in buildings and curtain is also helpful to stop the fire of two areas and in larger buildings there are many curtains are used which divide the buildings into different fire compartments at the time of fire and this is called compartmentalization.

Smoke curtains have many benefits as they provide enough time to save the people from smoke and it protect escape routes and it also provide the time to firefighters to reach at the spot to minimize the loss due to fire.

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