Types of Acne Scar you need to Know

Acne scars usually appear as depressions on the skin. Atrophic scars are scars that do not heel on their own. These scars occur when the skin is not capable of regenerating tissues. Due to this reason, acne leaves behind uncalled and imbalanced scarring.

Atrophic scars are often the end result of severe acne such as cystic acne. These kinds of scars usually appear on the face. These depressed scars sit below the surrounding skin. Generally, atrophic scars form when not sufficient collagen is made. The indentation can form three kinds of acne scarring. These three categories include:

1. Ice Pick Scars

These scars are V-shaped and constricted scars, which go deep inside the skin. These scars appear as oval or small round holes, just like chickenpox scars. Ice pick scars are not easy to get rid of as they extend further into the skin surface.

2. Boxcar Scars

Boxcar scars are U-shaped and wide scars along with having sharp and defined edges. These scars can be deep or shallow. The shallower these scars are, the better they react to treatments for skin resurfacing.

3. Rolling Scars

Rolling scars are big and wide depressions on the skin. These scars typically constitute round edges. Rolling scars appear irregular and rolling along with having sloping edges.

On the other hand, acne scars can also be elevated. These scars include keloid acne scars and hypertrophic scars. These raised scars commonly appear on the back and chest. For effective acne scar removal, you need to contact a skin specialist.

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