Key aspects to consider when doing online business


Singapore is known all over the world for being among the best cities where business can be done. The favourable factors are due to its skilled labour, political stability and the ready market environment. With the increased access to the internet especially through mobile, online business seems to be taking a good shape in this great city. Having a well-established e-retail will, therefore, need the owner to consider the following aspects:



A customer will always expect to have access to the systems any time during the day. It is important that the website can be reached from different geographical locations. It makes it possible for potential customers from all walks of life to have the ability to make purchases. Internet outages or even the common DNS errors can be very costly to any online business.


Website speed

Having delays for a few seconds in accessing the website will cause the business a huge difference between the loyal customers and that lost ones. From the research done, most of the customers abandon the shopping activity because of the slow websites that pose a challenge to completion of the purchases.



With a 92% smartphone penetration in Singapore, online presence is today contributed a lot through the mobile access. Customers always expect that speed and quality/performance of the website will remain constant when using different devices to access it. It is, therefore, important to ensure interoperability when launching the online system.



Security in online businesses is not something to overlook. Singapore being the first growing global financial city, it is very susceptible to the cyber-attacks. There is a need to ensure that the internet security is well achieved to have a successful business. Remember that the attacks to an online business will always result to a bad reputation of the business brand.

Converting first-time customers into loyal ones requires trust. Having the best experience in regards to the business website is key towards achieving the above-said goal. Thriving online businesses are always reliable and trustworthy.

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